Assume that we want to describe the following SDE:
Ito form3:
Stratonovich form:
In the above $f(t,x)=\frac{1}{2}\theta^{2}
x$ and g(t, x) = θx
(θ > 0), Wt is a standard
Wiener process. To simulate this models using snssde1d()
function we need to specify:
and diffusion
coefficients as R
expressions that depend on the state variable x
and time
variable t
(by default:
(by default: M=1
, x0=10
and end
time T=1
(by default: t0=0
, x0=0
and T=1
(by default:
for Ito or type="str"
for Stratonovich (by default
(by default
).R> set.seed(1234, kind = "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
R> theta = 0.5
R> f <- expression( (0.5*theta^2*x) )
R> g <- expression( theta*x )
R> mod1 <- snssde1d(drift=f,diffusion=g,x0=10,M=1000,type="ito") # Using Ito
R> mod2 <- snssde1d(drift=f,diffusion=g,x0=10,M=1000,type="str") # Using Stratonovich
R> mod1
Itô Sde 1D:
| dX(t) = (0.5 * theta^2 * X(t)) * dt + theta * X(t) * dW(t)
| Euler scheme with order 0.5
| Size of process | N = 1001.
| Number of simulation | M = 1000.
| Initial value | x0 = 10.
| Time of process | t in [0,1].
| Discretization | Dt = 0.001.
Stratonovich Sde 1D:
| dX(t) = (0.5 * theta^2 * X(t)) * dt + theta * X(t) o dW(t)
| Euler scheme with order 0.5
| Size of process | N = 1001.
| Number of simulation | M = 1000.
| Initial value | x0 = 10.
| Time of process | t in [0,1].
| Discretization | Dt = 0.001.
Using Monte-Carlo simulations, the following statistical measures
(S3 method
) for class snssde1d()
can be
approximated for the Xt process at
any time t:
with order=2
and max
and kurtosis
.The summary of the results of mod1
and mod2
at time t = 1 of class
is given by:
Monte-Carlo Statistics for X(t) at time t = 1
Mean 11.21041
Variance 37.34360
Median 9.95235
Mode 8.03077
First quartile 7.00050
Third quartile 13.84224
Minimum 2.24849
Maximum 47.23754
Skewness 1.78370
Kurtosis 8.23099
Coef-variation 0.54511
3th-order moment 407.04925
4th-order moment 11478.47403
5th-order moment 299393.26186
6th-order moment 9011343.65855
Monte-Carlo Statistics for X(t) at time t = 1
Mean 12.8797
Variance 54.2186
Median 11.3893
Mode 9.8106
First quartile 8.0782
Third quartile 15.3722
Minimum 2.0887
Maximum 72.4702
Skewness 2.2451
Kurtosis 11.6921
Coef-variation 0.5717
3th-order moment 896.3033
4th-order moment 34370.6613
5th-order moment 1387912.1394
6th-order moment 65677123.6792
Hence we can just make use of the rsde1d()
function to
build our random number generator for the conditional density of the
and Xtmod2|X0)
at time t = 1.
R> x1 <- rsde1d(object = mod1, at = 1) # X(t=1) | X(0)=x0 (Ito SDE)
R> x2 <- rsde1d(object = mod2, at = 1) # X(t=1) | X(0)=x0 (Stratonovich SDE)
R> head(data.frame(x1,x2),n=5)
x1 x2
1 8.7078 9.3026
2 7.8980 7.9105
3 10.7227 15.5981
4 10.4143 12.2105
5 4.5190 4.7178
The function dsde1d()
can be used to show the
Approximate transitional density for Xt|X0
at time t − s = 1
with log-normal curves:
R> mu1 = log(10); sigma1= sqrt(theta^2) # log mean and log variance for mod1
R> mu2 = log(10)-0.5*theta^2 ; sigma2 = sqrt(theta^2) # log mean and log variance for mod2
R> AppdensI <- dsde1d(mod1, at = 1)
R> AppdensS <- dsde1d(mod2, at = 1)
R> plot(AppdensI , dens = function(x) dlnorm(x,meanlog=mu1,sdlog = sigma1))
R> plot(AppdensS , dens = function(x) dlnorm(x,meanlog=mu2,sdlog = sigma2))
In Figure 2, we present the flow of trajectories, the mean path (red lines) of solution of and , with their empirical 95% confidence bands, that is to say from the 2.5th to the 97.5th percentile for each observation at time t (blue lines):
R> ## Ito
R> plot(mod1,ylab=expression(X^mod1))
R> lines(time(mod1),apply(mod1$X,1,mean),col=2,lwd=2)
R> lines(time(mod1),apply(mod1$X,1,bconfint,level=0.95)[1,],col=4,lwd=2)
R> lines(time(mod1),apply(mod1$X,1,bconfint,level=0.95)[2,],col=4,lwd=2)
R> legend("topleft",c("mean path",paste("bound of", 95,"% confidence")),inset = .01,col=c(2,4),lwd=2,cex=0.8)
R> ## Stratonovich
R> plot(mod2,ylab=expression(X^mod2))
R> lines(time(mod2),apply(mod2$X,1,mean),col=2,lwd=2)
R> lines(time(mod2),apply(mod2$X,1,bconfint,level=0.95)[1,],col=4,lwd=2)
R> lines(time(mod2),apply(mod2$X,1,bconfint,level=0.95)[2,],col=4,lwd=2)
R> legend("topleft",c("mean path",paste("bound of",95,"% confidence")),col=c(2,4),inset =.01,lwd=2,cex=0.8)
The following 2-dimensional SDE’s with a vector of drift and matrix of diffusion coefficients:
Ito form:
Stratonovich form: where (W1, t, W2, t)
are a two independent standard Wiener process if
corr = NULL
. To simulate 2d models using
function we need to specify:
(2d) and diffusion
coefficients as R expressions that depend on the state variable
, y
and time variable t
the correlation structure of two standard Wiener
process (W1, t, W2, t);
must be a real symmetric positive-definite square matrix of dimension
2 (default:
(default: M=1
, x0
and end time
(default: t0=0
, x0=c(0,0)
for Ito or type="str"
for Stratonovich (default
).The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process has a long history in physics. Introduced in essence by Langevin in his famous 1908 paper on Brownian motion, the process received a more thorough mathematical examination several decades later by Uhlenbeck and Ornstein (1930). The OU process is understood here to be the univariate continuous Markov process Xt. In mathematical terms, the equation is written as an Ito equation: In these equations, μ and σ are positive constants called, respectively, the relaxation time and the diffusion constant. The time integral of the OU process Xt (or indeed of any process Xt) is defined to be the process Yt that satisfies: Yt is not itself a Markov process; however, Xt and Yt together comprise a bivariate continuous Markov process. We wish to find the solutions Xt and Yt to the coupled time-evolution equations:
We simulate a flow of 1000 trajectories of (Xt, Yt), with integration step size Δt = 0.01, and using second Milstein method.
R> set.seed(1234, kind = "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
R> x0=5;y0=0
R> mu=3;sigma=0.5
R> fx <- expression(-(x/mu),x)
R> gx <- expression(sqrt(sigma),0)
R> mod2d <- snssde2d(drift=fx,diffusion=gx,Dt=0.01,M=1000,x0=c(x0,y0),method="smilstein")
R> mod2d
Itô Sde 2D:
| dX(t) = -(X(t)/mu) * dt + sqrt(sigma) * dW1(t)
| dY(t) = X(t) * dt + 0 * dW2(t)
| Second-order Milstein scheme
| Size of process | N = 1001.
| Number of simulation | M = 1000.
| Initial values | (x0,y0) = (5,0).
| Time of process | t in [0,10].
| Discretization | Dt = 0.01.
The summary of the results of mod2d
at time t = 10 of class
is given by:
For plotting in time (or in plane) using the command
), the results of the simulation
are shown in Figure 3.
R> ## in time
R> plot(mod2d)
R> ## in plane (O,X,Y)
R> plot2d(mod2d,type="n")
R> points2d(mod2d,col=rgb(0,100,0,50,maxColorValue=255), pch=16)
Hence we can just make use of the rsde2d()
function to
build our random number for (Xt, Yt)
at time t = 10.
x y
1 0.32480 12.2224
2 0.91370 9.3092
3 0.49834 14.4406
The density of Xt and Yt at time t = 10 are reported using
function, see e.g. Figure 4: the marginal density
of Xt and
Yt at time
t = 10. For plotted in (x,
y)-space with dim = 2
. A contour
plot of density obtained from a realization of system
(Xt, Yt)
at time t=10
, see:
R> ## the marginal density
R> denM <- dsde2d(mod2d,pdf="M",at =10)
R> plot(denM, main="Marginal Density")
R> ## the Joint density
R> denJ <- dsde2d(mod2d, pdf="J", n=100,at =10)
R> plot(denJ,display="contour",main="Bivariate Transition Density at time t=10")
A 3D plot of the transition density at t = 10 obtained with:
We approximate the bivariate transition density over the set transition horizons t ∈ [1, 10] by Δt = 0.005 using the code:
The Van der Pol (1922) equation is an ordinary differential equation that can be derived from the Rayleigh differential equation by differentiating and setting ẋ = y, see Naess and Hegstad (1994); Leung (1995) and for more complex dynamics in Van-der-Pol equation see Jing et al. (2006). It is an equation describing self-sustaining oscillations in which energy is fed into small oscillations and removed from large oscillations. This equation arises in the study of circuits containing vacuum tubes and is given by: where x is the position coordinate (which is a function of the time t), and μ is a scalar parameter indicating the nonlinearity and the strength of the damping, to simulate the deterministic equation see Grayling (2014) for more details. Consider stochastic perturbations of the Van-der-Pol equation, and random excitation force of such systems by White noise ξt, with delta-type correlation function E(ξtξt + h) = 2σδ(h) where μ > 0 . It’s solution cannot be obtained in terms of elementary functions, even in the phase plane. The White noise ξt is formally derivative of the Wiener process Wt. The representation of a system of two first order equations follows the same idea as in the deterministic case by letting ẋ = y, from physical equation we get the above system: The system can mathematically explain by a Stratonovitch equations:
Implemente in R as follows, with integration step size Δt = 0.01 and using stochastic Runge-Kutta methods 1-stage.
R> set.seed(1234, kind = "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
R> mu = 4; sigma=0.1
R> fx <- expression( y , (mu*( 1-x^2 )* y - x))
R> gx <- expression( 0 ,2*sigma)
R> mod2d <- snssde2d(drift=fx,diffusion=gx,N=10000,Dt=0.01,type="str",method="rk1")
For plotting (back in time) using the command plot
, and
in plane the results of the simulation are shown in
Figure 6.
Consider a system of stochastic differential equations:
Conditions to ensure positiveness of the volatility process are that 2νθ > σ2, and the two Brownian motions (B1, t, B2, t) are correlated. Σ to describe the correlation structure, for example: $$ \Sigma= \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0.3 \\ 0.3 & 2 \end{pmatrix} $$
R> set.seed(1234, kind = "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
R> mu = 1.2; sigma=0.1;nu=2;theta=0.5
R> fx <- expression( mu*x ,nu*(theta-y))
R> gx <- expression( x*sqrt(y) ,sigma*sqrt(y))
R> Sigma <- matrix(c(1,0.3,0.3,2),nrow=2,ncol=2) # correlation matrix
R> HM <- snssde2d(drift=fx,diffusion=gx,Dt=0.001,x0=c(100,1),corr=Sigma,M=1000)
Itô Sde 2D:
| dX(t) = mu * X(t) * dt + X(t) * sqrt(Y(t)) * dB1(t)
| dY(t) = nu * (theta - Y(t)) * dt + sigma * sqrt(Y(t)) * dB2(t)
| Correlation structure:
1.0 0.3
0.3 2.0
| Euler scheme with order 0.5
| Size of process | N = 1001.
| Number of simulation | M = 1000.
| Initial values | (x0,y0) = (100,1).
| Time of process | t in [0,1].
| Discretization | Dt = 0.001.
Hence we can just make use of the rsde2d()
function to
build our random number for (Xt, Yt)
at time t = 1.
x y
1 181.42 0.56526
2 137.85 0.52612
3 243.57 0.62700
The density of Xt and Yt at time t = 1 are reported using
function. See:
The following 3-dimensional SDE’s with a vector of drift and matrix of diffusion coefficients:
Ito form:
Stratonovich form: (W1, t, W2, t, W3, t)
are three independents standard Wiener process if
corr = NULL
. To simulate this system using
function we need to specify:
(3d) and diffusion
coefficients as R expressions that depend on the state variables
, y
, z
and time variable
the correlation structure of three standard Wiener
process (W1, t, W2, t, W2, t);
must be a real symmetric positive-definite square matrix of dimension
3 (default:
(default: M=1
, x0
and end time
(default: t0=0
, x0=c(0,0,0)
for Ito or type="str"
for Stratonovich (default
).Assume that we want to describe the following SDE’s (3D) in Ito form: with (W1, t, W2, t, W3, t) are three indpendant standard Wiener process.
We simulate a flow of 1000 trajectories, with integration step size Δt = 0.001.
R> set.seed(1234, kind = "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
R> fx <- expression(4*(-1-x)*y , 4*(1-y)*x , 4*(1-z)*y)
R> gx <- rep(expression(0.2),3)
R> mod3d <- snssde3d(x0=c(x=2,y=-2,z=-2),drift=fx,diffusion=gx,M=1000)
R> mod3d
Itô Sde 3D:
| dX(t) = 4 * (-1 - X(t)) * Y(t) * dt + 0.2 * dW1(t)
| dY(t) = 4 * (1 - Y(t)) * X(t) * dt + 0.2 * dW2(t)
| dZ(t) = 4 * (1 - Z(t)) * Y(t) * dt + 0.2 * dW3(t)
| Euler scheme with order 0.5
| Size of process | N = 1001.
| Number of simulation | M = 1000.
| Initial values | (x0,y0,z0) = (2,-2,-2).
| Time of process | t in [0,1].
| Discretization | Dt = 0.001.
The following statistical measures (S3 method
) for class
can be approximated for the (Xt, Yt, Zt)
process at any time t, for
example at=1
R> s = 1
R> mean(mod3d, at = s)
R> moment(mod3d, at = s , center = TRUE , order = 2) ## variance
R> Median(mod3d, at = s)
R> Mode(mod3d, at = s)
R> quantile(mod3d , at = s)
R> kurtosis(mod3d , at = s)
R> skewness(mod3d , at = s)
R> cv(mod3d , at = s )
R> min(mod3d , at = s)
R> max(mod3d , at = s)
R> moment(mod3d, at = s , center= TRUE , order = 4)
R> moment(mod3d, at = s , center= FALSE , order = 4)
The summary of the results of mod3d
at time t = 1 of class
is given by:
For plotting (back in time) using the command plot
, and
in space the results of the simulation are shown in
Figure 7.
Hence we can just make use of the rsde3d()
function to
build our random number for (Xt, Yt, Zt)
at time t = 1.
x y z
1 -0.73929 0.65851 0.64650
2 -0.63795 0.41731 0.79531
3 -0.80249 1.16501 0.83721
For each SDE type and for each numerical scheme, the marginal density
of Xt,
Yt and
Zt at time
t = 1 are reported using
function, see e.g. Figure 8.
Marginal density of Xt, Yt and Zt at time t = 1
For an approximate joint transition density for (Xt, Yt, Zt) (for more details, see package sm or ks.)
If we assume that Uw(x, y, z, t),
Vw(x, y, z, t)
and Sw(x, y, z, t)
are neglected and the dispersion coefficient D(x, y, z)
is constant. A system becomes (see Boukhetala,1996): with initial
conditions (X0, Y0, Z0) = (1, 1, 1),
by specifying the drift and diffusion coefficients of three processes
Xt, Yt and Zt as R
expressions which depends on the three state variables
and time variable t
, with integration
step size Dt=0.0001
R> set.seed(1234, kind = "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
R> K = 4; s = 1; sigma = 0.2
R> fx <- expression( (-K*x/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)) , (-K*y/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)) , (-K*z/sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)) )
R> gx <- rep(expression(sigma),3)
R> mod3d <- snssde3d(drift=fx,diffusion=gx,N=10000,x0=c(x=1,y=1,z=1))
The results of simulation (3D) are shown in Figure 9:
Attractive model for 3D diffusion processes
Next is an example of one-dimensional SDE driven by three correlated
Wiener process (B1, t,B2, t,B3, t), as
follows: with: $$
1 & 0.2 &0.5\\
0.2 & 1 & -0.7 \\
0.5 &-0.7&1
$$ To simulate the solution of the process Xt, we make a
transformation to a system of three equations as follows: run by calling
the function snssde3d()
to produce a simulation of the
solution, with μ = 1 and σ = 1.
R> set.seed(1234, kind = "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
R> fx <- expression(y,0,0)
R> gx <- expression(z,1,1)
R> Sigma <-matrix(c(1,0.2,0.5,0.2,1,-0.7,0.5,-0.7,1),nrow=3,ncol=3)
R> modtra <- snssde3d(drift=fx,diffusion=gx,M=1000,corr=Sigma)
R> modtra
Itô Sde 3D:
| dX(t) = Y(t) * dt + Z(t) * dB1(t)
| dY(t) = 0 * dt + 1 * dB2(t)
| dZ(t) = 0 * dt + 1 * dB3(t)
| Correlation structure:
1.0 0.2 0.5
0.2 1.0 -0.7
0.5 -0.7 1.0
| Euler scheme with order 0.5
| Size of process | N = 1001.
| Number of simulation | M = 1000.
| Initial values | (x0,y0,z0) = (0,0,0).
| Time of process | t in [0,1].
| Discretization | Dt = 0.001.
The histogram and kernel density of Xt at time t = 1 are reported using
function, and we calculate emprical
variance-covariance matrix C(s, t) = Cov(Xs, Xt),
see e.g. Figure 10.
R> X <- rsde3d(modtra,at=1)$x
R> MASS::truehist(X,xlab = expression(X[t==1]));box()
R> lines(density(X),col="red",lwd=2)
R> legend("topleft",c("Distribution histogram","Kernel Density"),inset =.01,pch=c(15,NA),lty=c(NA,1),col=c("cyan","red"), lwd=2,cex=0.8)
R> ## Cov-Matrix
R> color.palette=colorRampPalette(c('white','green','blue','red'))
R> filled.contour(time(modtra), time(modtra), cov(t(modtra$X)), color.palette=color.palette,plot.title = title(main = expression(paste("Covariance empirique:",cov(X[s],X[t]))),xlab = "time", ylab = "time"),key.title = title(main = ""))
& rsdekd()
- Monte-Carlo
Simulation and Analysis of Stochastic Differential Equations.bridgesdekd()
& rsdekd()
- Constructs and
Analysis of Bridges Stochastic Differential Equations.fptsdekd()
- Monte-Carlo Simulation and Kernel Density
Estimation of First passage time.MCM.sde()
- Parallel Monte-Carlo and Moment Equations for
- Converting
Sim.DiffProc Objects to LaTeX.fitsde()
- Parametric Estimation
of 1-D Stochastic Differential Equation.Boukhetala K (1996). Modelling and Simulation of a Dispersion Pollutant with Attractive Centre, volume 3, pp. 245-252. Computer Methods and Water Resources, Computational Mechanics Publications, Boston, USA.
Guidoum AC, Boukhetala K (2020). “Performing Parallel Monte Carlo and Moment Equations Methods for Itô and Stratonovich Stochastic Differential Systems: R Package Sim.DiffProc”. Journal of Statistical Software, 96(2), 1–82.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Tamanghasset, Algeria, E-mail ([email protected])↩︎
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, BP 32 El-Alia, U.S.T.H.B, Algeria, E-mail ([email protected])↩︎
The equivalently of Xtmod1 the following Stratonovich SDE: dXt = θXt ∘ dWt.↩︎